...I´m keep on updating this along the day...
First of all, I´d like to say that I own a good computer for games, a PS3 and a XBOX 360, so I´m anything but a fanboy...
Well, I had high expectations from Uncharted 3, and it turned into a disappointment. Here´s why and I think could have been better:
1 - MY MAIN COMPLAIN: as far as I can remember, God of War 1 was the first "super" game who brought "press-this-only-button-when-I-tell-you-to" sequences; the main problem with this is that MAYBE producers are overusing that. It became common to have only one way of disposing of your enemies. In many times, I got punched by the enemy, because the game wanted me to press triangle button while I pressed square button; I opted for waiting on until the game told me what to do! I don´t think it should happen in an action game. I don´t the liberty to punch enemies the way I want; I have to wait until the game tells me the steps I should take. I prefer Ninja Gaiden way, where there are many ways of kicking your enemies butts´s.
2 - as always, I pay huge attention to the graphic area and, athough sometimes the game really shines, sometimes textures are extremely blurry, at least; think about Crysis´ and Battlefield 3´ textures...
3 - AI is virtually non-existent; enemies hide in plain sight and most of time have the same movement pattern; compare AI in Uncharted 3 to AI in Rage, for instance...
4 - pay attention on the way in which enemies hand a gun and shoot at you; i´t´s really weird...
5 - in some parts there are waves of enemies, and you have to kill them all, otherwise a door won´t open to the next area, and you just get stuch over there doing the same over and over again...
6 - dumb way of finding treasures; you just have to walk a little and the treasures are shining britly over there!!! Couldn´t I at least look for one or another inside a drawer, as it´s common in RPGs?
7 - sometimes I´m fighting an enemy and there´s another enemy shooting at my back and I didn´t get hit...just because I was fighting somebody else? I guess there is something wrong with this...
8 - character animation iw wonderful most of the time, but I just don´t get it why he jumps 10 cm and, when he lands, he loses his balance.
Anyway, do I plan on buying Uncharted 4? Yes, I do, if it goes out on PS4. I enjoed the game, but much less than Uncharted 2. Don´t take me wrong; I guess it´s a good game, but I think it could have been much, much better...